
Friday, January 9, 2015

Garlic (Allium Sativum)

This hardy perennial bulb is widely available in any grocery store and has amazing medicinal qualities. In WWI doctors squeezed fresh garlic juice in wounds to control infections. But the use of garlic has gone back even longer than that it was used as a protector against evil. European folklore tells that people put garlic in a small bag and tied it around a child's neck to protect against a cold or their tummy to protect from worms. The core benefits include antibiotic, detoxifying, lower cholesterol and blood pressure.  Garlic can be used to halt a cold or flu by letting the good oils from crushed garlic cloves be absorbed into your skin. This method is best if used on the sole of your feet overnight at the first sign of illness. This is because the skin on your feet is very sensitive. Garlic helps prevent heart disease as recommended by The University of Maryland Medical Center. Not only does it decrease bad cholesterol it increases good cholesterol. Garlic helps prevent platelet aggregation, also known as blood clotting. According to the University of Maryland Medical Center, allicin appears to be the chemical property in garlic with the anticoagulant powers. The dosage required varies for each person so if you are looking into replacing your anticoagulant with an herb alternative talk to your local Herbalist or Natural Consultant about using garlic capsules.This herb prefers moist, well-drained soil and sun. Plant individual cloves 1 1/2in (4cm) deep in late autumn. Once grown, stop watering allowing the plant to dry out and dig the bulb out in early summer. hang bulb to dry fully or preserve.

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